Code of Conduct

The Professional Football Scouts Association, like many successful organisations, bases its success on respect and trust; we will uphold the highest ethical standards when providing services to our members.

To help advance and preserve this trust, the Professional Football Scouts Association has developed this Code of Conduct designed to serve as a guide and reference for our behaviour and also a reference for our members to act accordingly whilst carrying out their duties.

These include:

  • Promote high standards of behaviour
  • Never engage in offensive, insulting or abusive language or behaviour towards fellow members and players, match officials, parents, spectators, coaches, team managers and club officials.
  • Avoid bullying, intimidation and poor behaviour towards fellow members and players, match officials parents, spectators, coaches, team managers, and club officials
  • Never discriminate any fellow member and player, match official, parent, spectator, coach, team manager, or club official regardless of age, ethnicity, gender or race
  • Do not instruct players on what to do whilst observing them play on your scouting duties
  • A professional football scout should be honest, respectful, and truthful towards fellow members and players, match officials, parents, spectators, coaches, team managers, and club officials
  • A professional football scout should carry out their duties in compliance with the laws of the country
  • Adhere to all rules and regulations at all times and adhere to the laws of the game
  • Never interfere with the field of play
  • Ensure the parents/carers of all players under the age of 18 understand these expectations
  • Co-operate fully with fellow members and players, match officials, parents, spectators, coaches, team managers, and club officials

Breach of code of conduct

  • A breach of this code of conduct may result in suspension of your membership and/or further disciplinary actions.

Your Responsibilty

It is your responsibility to ensure that you as a member have read, agreed and accepted this code of conduct, and understood the actions which could be taken if Codes are broken.